Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Little Tent in the Big Woods...

Well, Little House in the Big Woods, the birthplace of Laura Ingalls Wilder, the author of the "Little House" books....  I never knew there was a whole series of "Little House" books (in fact I never knew there were several "Little House" books--I only knew the Little House on the Prairie TV show).

I had some extra energy and extra time, so I decided instead of going straight towards the Twin Cities, I'd detour back into Wisconsin a bit.  I had a full day of rolling hills--I could not find a picture or pictures that would tell the story of the agony (in a good way LOL) towards the end of the day when I kept coming to the top of one hill only to see that there were three more ahead of me.  This is probably good early conditioning to get me ready for the Rockies, and it's telling me I need to see if there is anything I can take out of my packs--it's a good thing I have a couple of months yet before those big mountains.

One benefit of the hills is that I got some nice vistas--this one pictured below is actually in Minnesota, before I crossed back over to the Wisconsin side of the River.

I ended up at the end of the day in Spring Valley--grocery store, dollar store, and hardware store!  Plus dry weather.  And there seems to be a cave around here with some bats and things that is a bit of a tourist attraction.  I am planning to rest here for the day, then brave the hills again to cross back into Minnesota tomorrow on my way to visit friends Cathy and Jeff near the Twin Cities just a couple of days from now.  Although I was caught in a brief thunderstorm yesterday, I've managed to dry out--it is so good to be dry!


  1. Julie and Jane devoured the books and TV show "Little House on the Prairie". Staying dry is important so you do not catch a cold! I continue to enjoy and appreciate your updates as you travel North and West Jim.

  2. hi the pictures and reports you're sending convey such quiet that I can almost hear the gravel crunching beneath your tires.
    thanks a.p.

    1. Yes, but can you here the wind whispering through the spokes of my wheels now that I am on asphalt?

    2. I hear the wind whispering through the holes in your head. Come back.
      Seriously though, I have not been able to hear a thing since you said that irradiated, flesh-eating puppies chased you for miles along Wisconsin County Line G
      .I'd love to think that the 'Bark-B-Gone Puppy Tazer' I gave you for your trip helped save at least your ankles, maybe even more.
      The point of this being that you're not the only one tripping..
      All right, I give in. Your sorta cool.

    3. I haven't used either of my anti-dog/bear "weapons" yet, but I did come close on a couple of dogs, and I did keep them in my tent one night when a crazy guy had visited the campsite earlier in the day! I almost accidentally discharged the pepper spray on myself once, though--would that have counted?

    4. I haven't used either of my anti-dog/bear "weapons" yet, but I did come close on a couple of dogs, and I did keep them in my tent one night when a crazy guy had visited the campsite earlier in the day! I almost accidentally discharged the pepper spray on myself once, though--would that have counted?

  3. What an adventure. I'm enjoying following you and looking at all the pictures. Don't forget to train your kung fu while you're out there. Stay safe and happy travels. Sifu

    1. Well, I have to admit just the cicycling and the camping are keeping me busier than I anticipated so I'm not doing my kung fu exercises every day, but I do the stretching pretty often! I'll be looking forward to coming back to class in the fall!

  4. Just wrote you a note, but it didn't appear. So instead here's a short hello from Chicago. Glad to see that the trip is going well! Keep pedaling. Peace, Becky

    1. Thanks Becky!--it's always nice to hear from people although sometimes it takes me a while to say "hi" back since I do most of my posting from the phone, but it's kind of a pain for me to reply to comments without a real computer which I only rarely am using!
