
The total distance of my bicycling route was just a little bit over 3,000 miles through seven states.
Here it is broken down into several segments.

Here is the route I took the first couple of weeks (about 450 miles):

Here is the route I took for the second couple of weeks (about 550 miles):

Here is the third leg that took me the rest of the way across North Dakota and into Montana (about 350 miles):

Next few days map (about 500 miles): I had a few extra days so changed the route and took the long way to get to Billings, Montana, (where I took a week-long break from pedaling and toured Yellowstone/Grand Tetons National Parks with my brother in a car).  The detour up to Fort Peck was an opportunity to see an incredible dam, lake and town:

Here is the route I took from Billings southward after spending some time with my brother touring in the car (450 miles):

After the mountains of the Bighorn, the Colorado Rockies didn't seem that difficult after all!  Here's the route I took down through southern Wyoming and Colorado (500 miles):

And then finally, up to Estes Park and then back down to Denver to finish off the bicycling adventure (300 miles):


  1. Hey Jim, thanks for the encouragement.... I just realized that the link on this page to see my current location only works if I have my phone on (which I've been tending to keep it off in order to conserve the battery). Anyway, today I'm approaching Akeley, MN where I will spend the night. I'm intending to revise this page to reflect my modified plans and to show where I've actually gone (which does not exactly correspond to the original plan either!)

  2. Map and itinerary here still say going to Winnipeg. Are you still planning to revise map and or itinerary showing not going to Canada? Jim

  3. Nice to see your new route and think the week off with your brother sounds great. Know you will just love Yellowstone as I did from last year. Still can't get over the vast area and differences within the park as you will witness.Have a safe and happy 4th.

  4. Glad to get your new itinerary. And glad your brother is meeting you with a car for part of your journey.Give your brother my best regards. You will love Yellowstone. I suggest you also go to Grand Tetons.There is a new outdoor beer joint with a great bar for beer and booze in Estes Park that you will like and The Old Fall River Road to the Alpine Visitor Center and Continental Divide just reopened after the Flood two years ago

  5. You are having some major challenges and I admire your tenacity to move on. Once you hit Billings and I believe you are close to Montana border now I will be interested in seeing where you bike the balance of your trip to Denver and Estes Park after you part company with your brother Travel safe Jim

  6. HI Andre! Well man of steel I have been following you all the way to Colorado. You remember that is my home state and was raised in Grand Junction. The one video that I really watched was when you were going down hill at a rapid rate. Did that make you a little nervous. It looked a little scary to me. Looks like you are having a great time and a lot of challenges. Say hello to everyone in Colorado>heh heh I know them all,, Well most are my relatives. Keep a stiff upper and charge ahead. Stay safe and watch all the dam traffic. Jim

  7. Oh by the way > your blog is amazing! I will have to learn how to do it your way> looks fabulous and easy to follow...... JIm
